Alternative proteins grid image

Solutions for the alternative proteins industry

More and more people are either consistently vegetarian or vegan, or have become flexitarian, meaning that they occasionally and consciously decide not to eat animal products. Experts see this change not as a short-term hype, but as a real megatrend that will prevail. This is also due to modern plant-based alternatives, which come very close to their animal-based role models in both taste and consistency. Looking for a suitable packaging system for your alternative proteins? SEALPAC has the answers.

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Наши концепции упаковки, готовые к требованиям будущего

  • Save plastics by sealing and lidding in one single step

  • Paper-based tray for packaging under modified atmosphere

  • Sustainable, cardboard-based pack for sliced products

  • Paper-based packaging solution for sliced products

  • Paper-based skin packaging solution with optimal recyclability

  • Skin packaging system for tray-sealing applications


Vegan mince securely and sustainably packaged in eTray®

Ponnath GmbH launches vegan minced meat in paper-based tray under MAP.

Ponnath, Germany

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  • Октябрь 2024
  • 22/10 - 25/10
    (Gothenburg, Sweden)
  • 23/10 - 25/10
    Tokyo Pack
    (Tokyo, Japan)
  • 30/10 - 03/11
    (Bucharest, Romania)
  • Ноябрь 2024
  • 03/11 - 06/11
    Pack Expo
    (Chicago, USA)
  • 05/11 - 07/11
    Gulfood Manufacturing
    (Dubai, United Arab Emirates)


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