When treating patients, whether in surgery, general practice or at a dentist, it is extremely important to monitor the hygiene of all instruments, devices and other supplies. In case of packaged products, sterility is an absolute must, without room for compromise. SEALPAC offers various packaging solutions that can provide the necessary sterile barrier.
We also provide packaging options for other non-food items, such as blister-like packaging or pre-perforated packs on our thermoformers. In these applications, highest product protection, both in transport, storage and while being at the point-of-sale, is of the utmost importance. SEALPAC would be happy to support you in your search for the right packaging format.
[2364] => Array
[industry] => 2364
[grid_image] => 291
[grid_summary] => Portion packaging that allows for optimal shelf life and less waste
[page_heading] => DaybyDay: separable portion packaging
[image_header] => 200
[page_intro] => The DaybyDay concept offers separately packed single portions, which are linked like a chain. Each securely sealed cavity can be removed from the other with minimum force by means of a perfectly cut perforation, to allow for daily consumption of products.
[discover] => Array
[heading] =>
[type] => image
[video] =>
[interactive_image] => Array
[image] => 291
[hotspots] => Array
[0] => Array
[heading] => Pre-perforated:
[text] => Easy to separate
[x] => 77
[y] => 37
[1] => Array
[heading] => Fresh:
[text] => From the first to the very last portion
[x] => 45
[y] => 33
[2] => Array
[heading] => Individually sealed:
[text] => Excellent opening of each cavity
[x] => 50
[y] => 73
[3] => Array
[heading] => Eye-catching:
[text] => High product awareness at retail
[x] => 29
[y] => 52
[4] => Array
[heading] => Reduced waste:
[text] => Smaller portions
[x] => 66
[y] => 23
[2357] => Array
[industry] => 2357
[grid_image] => 909
[grid_summary] => Portion packaging that allows for optimal shelf life and less waste
[page_heading] => DaybyDay: separable portion packaging
[image_header] => 906
[page_intro] => The DaybyDay concept offers separately packed single portions, which are linked like a chain. Each securely sealed cavity can be removed from the other with minimum force by means of a perfectly cut perforation, to allow for daily consumption of products.
[discover] => Array
[heading] =>
[type] => image
[video] =>
[interactive_image] => Array
[image] => 909
[hotspots] => Array
[0] => Array
[heading] => Pre-perforated:
[text] => Easy to separate
[x] => 30
[y] => 52
[1] => Array
[heading] => Fresh:
[text] => From the first to the very last portion
[x] => 35
[y] => 34
[2] => Array
[heading] => Individually sealed:
[text] => Excellent opening of each cavity
[x] => 79
[y] => 60
[3] => Array
[heading] => Eye-catching:
[text] => High product awareness at retail
[x] => 44
[y] => 72
[4] => Array
[heading] => Reduced waste:
[text] => Smaller portions
[x] => 59
[y] => 30
[2355] => Array
[industry] => 2355
[grid_image] => 932
[grid_summary] => Portion packaging that allows for optimal shelf life and less waste
[page_heading] => DaybyDay: separable portion packaging
[image_header] => 932
[page_intro] => The DaybyDay concept offers separately packed single portions, which are linked like a chain. Each securely sealed cavity can be removed from the other with minimum force by means of a perfectly cut perforation, to allow for daily consumption of products.
[discover] => Array
[heading] =>
[type] => image
[video] =>
[interactive_image] => Array
[image] => 932
[hotspots] => Array
[0] => Array
[heading] => Pre-perforated:
[text] => Easy to separate
[x] => 74
[y] => 21
[1] => Array
[heading] => Fresh:
[text] => From the first to the very last portion
[x] => 39
[y] => 19
[2] => Array
[heading] => Individually sealed:
[text] => Excellent opening of each cavity
[x] => 75
[y] => 47
[3] => Array
[heading] => Eye-catching:
[text] => High product awareness at retail
[x] => 12
[y] => 51
[4] => Array
[heading] => Reduced waste:
[text] => Smaller portions
[x] => 59
[y] => 74
[2360] => Array
[industry] => 2360
[grid_image] => 982
[grid_summary] => Portion packaging that allows for optimal protection and less waste
[page_heading] => DaybyDay: separable portion packaging
[image_header] => 979
[page_intro] => The DaybyDay concept offers separately packed single portions, which are linked like a chain. Each securely sealed cavity can be removed from the other with minimum force by means of a perfectly cut perforation, to allow for daily use of products.
[discover] => Array
[heading] =>
[type] => image
[video] =>
[interactive_image] => Array
[image] => 982
[hotspots] => Array
[0] => Array
[heading] => Pre-perforated:
[text] => Easy to separate
[x] => 33
[y] => 43
[1] => Array
[heading] => Individually sealed:
[text] => Excellent opening of each cavity
[x] => 75
[y] => 55
[2363] => Array
[industry] => 2363
[grid_image] => 5838
[grid_summary] => Portion packaging that allows for optimal protection and less waste
[page_heading] => DaybyDay: separable portion packaging
[image_header] => 5837
[page_intro] => The DaybyDay concept offers separately packed single portions, which are linked like a chain. Each securely sealed cavity can be removed from the other with minimum force by means of a perfectly cut perforation, to allow for daily use of products.
[discover] => Array
[heading] =>
[type] => image
[video] =>
[interactive_image] => Array
[image] => 5839
[hotspots] => Array
[0] => Array
[heading] => Pre-perforated:
[text] => Easy to separate
[x] => 46
[y] => 42
[1] => Array
[heading] => Fresh:
[text] => From the first to the very last portion
[x] => 24
[y] => 33
[2] => Array
[heading] => Individually sealed:
[text] => Excellent opening of each cavity
[x] => 31
[y] => 73
[3] => Array
[heading] => Eye-catching:
[text] => High product awareness at retail
[x] => 63
[y] => 25
[4] => Array
[heading] => Reduced waste:
[text] => Smaller portions
[x] => 70
[y] => 48
[2358] => Array
[industry] => 2358
[grid_image] => 453
[grid_summary] => Portion packs that require less plastic and reduce waste
[page_heading] => Separate InsideCut: portion packaging with less film
[image_header] => 687
[page_intro] => InsideCut technology, an original invention by SEALPAC many years ago, has become a standard in many countries. By accurately cutting and sealing the film on the inside of the tray, film consumption is reduced and pack presentation improved. A further development of this technology, separate InsideCut sealing per cavity, allows for innovative portion packs.
[discover] => Array
[heading] =>
[type] => image
[video] =>
[interactive_image] => Array
[image] => 453
[hotspots] => Array
[0] => Array
[heading] => Individually sealed:
[text] => Less waste
[x] => 18
[y] => 67
[1] => Array
[heading] => Presentation:
[text] => Striking appearance
[x] => 48
[y] => 52
[2] => Array
[heading] => Sustainable:
[text] => Reduced film consumption
[x] => 69
[y] => 20
[2356] => Array
[industry] => 2356
[grid_image] => 960
[grid_summary] => Portion packs that require less plastic and reduce waste
[page_heading] => Separate InsideCut: portion packaging with less film
[image_header] => 1215
[page_intro] => InsideCut technology, an original invention by SEALPAC many years ago, has become a standard in many countries. By accurately cutting and sealing the film on the inside of the tray, film consumption is reduced and pack presentation improved. A further development of this technology, separate InsideCut sealing per cavity, allows for innovative portion packs.
[discover] => Array
[heading] =>
[type] => image
[video] =>
[interactive_image] => Array
[image] => 960
[hotspots] => Array
[0] => Array
[heading] => Individually sealed:
[text] => Less waste
[x] => 15
[y] => 33
[1] => Array
[heading] => Presentation:
[text] => Striking appearance
[x] => 61
[y] => 37
[2] => Array
[heading] => Sustainable:
[text] => Reduced film consumption
[x] => 51
[y] => 60
[2363] => Array
[industry] => 2363
[grid_image] => 950
[grid_summary] => Portion packs that require less plastic and reduce waste
[page_heading] => Separate InsideCut: portion packaging with less film
[image_header] => 952
[page_intro] => InsideCut technology, an original invention by SEALPAC many years ago, has become a standard in many countries. By accurately cutting and sealing the film on the inside of the tray, film consumption is reduced and pack presentation improved. A further development of this technology, separate InsideCut sealing per cavity, allows for innovative portion packs.
[discover] => Array
[heading] =>
[type] => image
[video] =>
[interactive_image] => Array
[image] => 950
[hotspots] => Array
[0] => Array
[heading] => Individually sealed:
[text] => Less waste
[x] => 32
[y] => 59
[1] => Array
[heading] => Presentation:
[text] => Striking appearance
[x] => 52
[y] => 50
[2] => Array
[heading] => Sustainable:
[text] => Reduced film consumption
[x] => 68
[y] => 34
[2362] => Array
[industry] => 2362
[grid_image] => 946
[grid_summary] => Portion packs that require less plastic and reduce waste
[page_heading] => Separate InsideCut: portion packaging with less film
[image_header] => 963
[page_intro] => InsideCut technology, an original invention by SEALPAC many years ago, has become a standard in many countries. By accurately cutting and sealing the film on the inside of the tray, film consumption is reduced and pack presentation improved. A further development of this technology, separate InsideCut sealing per cavity, allows for innovative portion packs.
[discover] => Array
[heading] =>
[type] => image
[video] =>
[interactive_image] => Array
[image] => 946
[hotspots] => Array
[0] => Array
[heading] => Individually sealed:
[text] => Less waste
[x] => 26
[y] => 81
[1] => Array
[heading] => Presentation:
[text] => Striking appearance
[x] => 75
[y] => 40
[2] => Array
[heading] => Sustainable:
[text] => Reduced film consumption
[x] => 38
[y] => 29
[2364] => Array
[industry] => 2364
[grid_image] => 958
[grid_summary] => Portion packs that require less plastic and reduce waste
[page_heading] => Separate InsideCut: portion packaging with less film
[image_header] => 953
[page_intro] => InsideCut technology, an original invention by SEALPAC many years ago, has become a standard in many countries. By accurately cutting and sealing the film on the inside of the tray, film consumption is reduced and pack presentation improved. A further development of this technology, separate InsideCut sealing per cavity, allows for innovative portion packs.
[discover] => Array
[heading] =>
[type] => image
[video] =>
[interactive_image] => Array
[image] => 958
[hotspots] => Array
[0] => Array
[heading] => Individually sealed:
[text] => Less waste
[x] => 72
[y] => 79
[1] => Array
[heading] => Presentation:
[text] => Striking appearance
[x] => 51
[y] => 54
[2] => Array
[heading] => Sustainable:
[text] => Reduced film consumption
[x] => 30
[y] => 21
[2361] => Array
[industry] => 2361
[grid_image] => 943
[grid_summary] => Portion packs that require less plastic and reduce waste
[page_heading] => Separate InsideCut: portion packaging with less film
[image_header] => 962
[page_intro] => InsideCut technology, an original invention by SEALPAC many years ago, has become a standard in many countries. By accurately cutting and sealing the film on the inside of the tray, film consumption is reduced and pack presentation improved. A further development of this technology, separate InsideCut sealing per cavity, allows for innovative portion packs.
[discover] => Array
[heading] =>
[type] => image
[video] =>
[interactive_image] => Array
[image] => 943
[hotspots] => Array
[0] => Array
[heading] => Individually sealed:
[text] => Less waste
[x] => 14
[y] => 39
[1] => Array
[heading] => Presentation:
[text] => Striking appearance
[x] => 68
[y] => 37
[2] => Array
[heading] => Sustainable:
[text] => Reduced film consumption
[x] => 56
[y] => 59
[2360] => Array
[industry] => 2360
[grid_image] => 1045
[grid_summary] => Portion packs that require less plastic and reduce waste
[page_heading] => Separate InsideCut: portion packaging with less film
[image_header] => 1044
[page_intro] => InsideCut technology, an original invention by SEALPAC many years ago, has become a standard in many countries. By accurately cutting and sealing the film on the inside of the tray, film consumption is reduced and pack presentation improved. A further development of this technology, separate InsideCut sealing per cavity, allows for innovative portion packs.
[discover] => Array
[heading] =>
[type] => image
[video] =>
[interactive_image] => Array
[image] => 1045
[hotspots] => Array
[0] => Array
[heading] => Individually sealed:
[text] => Less waste
[x] => 15
[y] => 47
[1] => Array
[heading] => Presentation:
[text] => Striking appearance
[x] => 83
[y] => 35
[2] => Array
[heading] => Sustainable:
[text] => Reduced film consumption
[x] => 53
[y] => 30
[2354] => Array
[industry] => 2354
[grid_image] => 1218
[grid_summary] => Portion packs that require less plastic and reduce waste
[page_heading] => Separate InsideCut: portion packaging with less film
[image_header] => 1216
[page_intro] => InsideCut technology, an original invention by SEALPAC many years ago, has become a standard in many countries. By accurately cutting and sealing the film on the inside of the tray, film consumption is reduced and pack presentation improved. A further development of this technology, separate InsideCut sealing per cavity, allows for innovative portion packs.
[discover] => Array
[heading] =>
[type] => image
[video] =>
[interactive_image] => Array
[image] => 1218
[hotspots] => Array
[0] => Array
[heading] => Individually sealed:
[text] => Less waste
[x] => 78
[y] => 66
[1] => Array
[heading] => Presentation:
[text] => Striking appearance
[x] => 17
[y] => 45
[2] => Array
[heading] => Sustainable:
[text] => Reduced film consumption
[x] => 52
[y] => 43
[2357] => Array
[industry] => 2357
[grid_image] => 4601
[grid_summary] => Portion packs that require less plastic and reduce waste
[page_heading] => Separate InsideCut: portion packaging with less film
[image_header] => 4599
[page_intro] => InsideCut technology, an original invention by SEALPAC many years ago, has become a standard in many countries. By accurately cutting and sealing the film on the inside of the tray, film consumption is reduced and pack presentation improved. A further development of this technology, separate InsideCut sealing per cavity, allows for innovative portion packs.
[discover] => Array
[heading] =>
[type] => image
[video] =>
[interactive_image] => Array
[image] => 4601
[hotspots] => Array
[0] => Array
[heading] => Individually sealed:
[text] => Less waste
[x] => 13
[y] => 67
[1] => Array
[heading] => Presentation:
[text] => Striking appearance
[x] => 31
[y] => 32
[2] => Array
[heading] => Sustainable:
[text] => Reduced film consumption
[x] => 77
[y] => 35
Наши концепции упаковки, готовые к требованиям будущего
Portion packaging that allows for optimal protection and less waste
Portion packs that require less plastic and reduce waste
Separate InsideCut
Медицинская и непищевая продукция примеры
FIBI-buffer is conquering the market with its fully compostable packaging material
SEALPAC RE25 thermoformer supports Dutch company in launching its biodegradable packaging materials.
Medical devices in rigid film with contour cutting
SEALPAC RE25 thermoformer
Март 2025
04/03 - 06/03 CFIA (Rennes, France)
04/03 - 06/03 Expo Carnes y Lácteos (Monterrey, Mexico)
Апрель 2025
08/04 - 10/04 Warsaw Pack (Warsaw, Poland)
08/04 - 10/04 CPMA (Montreal, Canada)
Май 2025
03/05 - 08/05 IFFA (Frankfurt, Germany)
13/05 - 13/05 Salon Agro Hauts-de-France (Saint-Laurent-Blangy, France)
17/05 - 22/05 International Agricultural Fair (Novi Sad, Serbia)
26/05 - 30/05 EMO open doors event (Barcelona, Spain)
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